Tonner, Middleton Reva & Helland, Cathay, Ideal, Heidi Ott, YCM Lot

Tonner, Middleton Reva & Helland, Cathay, Ideal, Heidi Ott, YCM Lot

Tonner, Middleton Reva & Helland, Cathay, Ideal, Heidi Ott, YCM Lot
All dolls were acquired approximatley 20 years ago and have been displayed or stored in heated and cooled environment by their owner. Dolls are free from any stains, chips, or breaks and have only normal wear to be expected based on the age of the doll.

21 Lee Middleton Doll by Reva. No original clothing but wears an adorable hot pink outfit that suits her well. Doll is in excellent condition.

She'd be considered "like new" if she wore original clothing. I'm tempted to keep this one.

27" Lee Middleton's "Morning Chores, Dreamer Face design by Eva Sheick child doll. No shoes, undergarments, or accessories are included.

She is wearing her original outfit and black shoes minus leggings, red shoes and coat. She is also in excellent condition. Can not find another doll like him online after extensive search so he is unidentified but has the Cathay Collection logo. Was not wearing her original outfit.

Doll is in very good condition. Wears her original clothing with bonnet.

Doll is in good condition. Shirley Temple by Idea is 12 tall.

She has 11 vintage outfits included, as well as, hair rollers and hair barrettes. She comes with those items, and also, the original tag and the remains of the original box. She is in good condition. The 8th and final doll is lovely and is a generic ceramic doll which was received new.

She's wearing her original clothing and is in very good condition.
Tonner, Middleton Reva & Helland, Cathay, Ideal, Heidi Ott, YCM Lot